We have a wide range of high quality and durable accessories for farming pens. See our range of products below!
fish feeding pipe
Antistatic fish feeding pipe is a good investment, since a great choice of material minimizes inner abrasion from the pellet transportation. This innovation is a long service life solution and hardly needs maintenance. Our extensive product tests have shown that the service life can be up to double compared to a standard fish feeding pipe.
- Financial: Long-life hose
- Environmental: The hose does not smudge and can be sent to recycling
- Safety: The hose is a safe solution for the fish being transported as well as for the employee working with this hose
- Quality: Our experience has been splendid and we continue to test and try it
Net cleaner
The net cleaner product range includes everything from the basic hand-held T-series to proven and robust, belt driven robotised R- and RM-series and the newer and even more advanced M-series. The cleaners are designed to operate in a harsh environment while meeting the high quality and environmental requirements of the fish farming industry.
bird net system
The product consists of compact fiberglass rods and robust steel reinforced fastening brackets in polyurethane for attachment to the rail support or between float tubes in chain holes.
One possibility is for the bird net rods to be fastened to the inner side of the pole to the rail. The other possibility is to bolt the bird net rods unto the outer side of the poles.
locking pin
pin for net
net hook
rescue ladder
Jóannes Mørkøre
Sales Engineer
Jonn Thomsen
Sales Engineer
Arnold Hermundarson
Technical Advisor